Ak47benkyoo's Blog

The Bridge of Love at Tidung Island
September 2, 2010, 5:03 pm
Filed under: Pulau Tidung

the southwest direction

his name is andy, he lived in a small village edge capital. although difficult for him to find work in the capital, but never stopped in his tracks to achieve his childhood dreams to become someone who makes others proud of him, tell him his dream to become a famous as Julius Caesar. But the situation is now made him think that all his dreams of becoming a famous fantasy only. that he felt had a pressure from within himself because the reality is far different from what he expected.

andy has a friend named “Atu” a very unique name, if spelled in full as “satu cahaya langit”.  he lived in Jakarta, and worked as an employee at one private bank in Jakarta. one weekend they went on vacation to a place across the bay toward the southwest direction exactly one thousand islands. One of the most interesting places there is an island “Tidung”. Talked about the beauty, the island is very enjoyable Tidung and felt by anyone who came and watched the landscape began to dawn rising of the sun to its setting. This is the key that is the beauty of nature.

they also enjoy a relaxing holiday on the island, meet new friends and become acquainted with each other.

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